Home » WHO predicts new properties of coronavirus

WHO predicts new properties of coronavirus

by alex

WHO Representative of Russia Vujnovic: coronavirus infection will become endemic

Photo: Pixabay

The representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Russia, Melita Vujnovic, predicted new properties of the coronavirus. She shared her opinion on the air of the Soloviev Live YouTube channel.

According to Vujnovic, the coronavirus will not go away, but will become endemic. “That means he won’t disappear. But we have learned to heal and protect ourselves from it. It is very important to understand that we need to limit the outbreak now and reduce the number of vulnerable people, otherwise we will not be able to predict which new strains will appear, ”she said. The WHO representative stressed that in addition to vaccination, it is now very important to observe other precautions: wear protective masks and avoid large crowds in confined spaces.

Earlier, Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the technical team at the WHO Emergency Diseases Unit, also said that Sars-Cov-2 is gradually becoming endemic. Such a change in the virus “is not even disputed,” the expert noted, but it is not yet possible to talk about a new property.

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