Home » WHO: new strains of coronavirus are not yet dangerous for children

WHO: new strains of coronavirus are not yet dangerous for children

by alex

Today, it cannot be said that new strains of coronavirus infection are becoming more dangerous for children. This statement was made by the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Russia Melita Vuinovich.

“At the moment, we cannot say that the situation is alarming,” said a WHO representative on the Russia-24 TV channel, commenting on the relevant issue.

Vujnovic noted that if there are any changes in this situation, the organization will inform “all countries, all experts,” and also clarified that today children have more risks of contracting COVID-19 due to the weakening of previously introduced restrictions.

“Yes, we see more sick children, but not a situation where the virus is specifically spreading to children. It just applies to the non-immunized, ”she said.

Recall, as the website kp.ru wrote, British scientists are growing a delta strain of COVID-19 for human trials. Experts are going to use a cultured new strain of the virus in research with the intentional infection of volunteers

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