Home » Who is Valery Gerasimov: how the country's best soldier became Putin's scapegoat

Who is Valery Gerasimov: how the country's best soldier became Putin's scapegoat

by alex

Gerasimov is maximally devoted to Putin/Collage 24 Channel

Valery Gerasimov became the commander-in-chief of the Russian armed forces back in 2012. His job then was to develop the overall strategy. It's the end of 2023 outside the window. And now he is engaged in ordinary tactics.

In particular, this was influenced by the courage of Ukrainians, as well as the support of international partners. This has allowed Russia to achieve no major successes over the past nine months. And this is reflected in the fact that Gerasimov is actively criticized.

Gerasimov is a master of adaptation

Thus, nationalist military bloggers accused Gerasimov of the fact that the so-called “second army of the world” has been modernized very expensively over the past 15 years. And despite this, she failed to capture most of the territory of Ukraine. As noted in the publication, Gerasimov’s career at the beginning of a full-scale invasion was characterized by an amazing ability to adapt.

Thus, he overcame his lack of natural intuition when he was a student at a military college. Then he “absorbed piles of military books, Russian military theorists.” Seth Jones, a former US intelligence analyst, spoke about this. He added a biography of Gerasimov to the book “Three Dangerous Men.” It is interesting that Valery subsequently managed to become the best student.

In 1977, Gerasimov was a 22-year-old tank commander in Poland. And at the turn of the 90s in Estonia, he was among the top leadership of the Baltic Military District. There he watched as pro-democracy groups helped to overthrow the Soviet regime.

Jones noted in an interview with The Independent that it was the end of the Cold War and that the US had not fired a single bullet. And that this “began to shape Gerasimov's use of hybrid warfare strategies and tactics, which you can see as he really begins to come into his prime.”

Gerasimov led the occupation of Crimea

So, in 2014, Gerasimov helped to annex the Crimean peninsula. He led the so-called “little green men”, who were dressed in green Russian uniforms and had Russian weapons. This year they took control of part of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions.

They were called “Little Green Men” because Moscow refused to admit its involvement. Like, all this is the work of the so-called local “self-defense” units. . He added that “military specialists” were in the East of Ukraine. The publication emphasizes that this was the largest seizure of territory by a sovereign country in Europe since the Second World War.

From Putin's point of view, he was surrounded by many people who promised but did not deliver. But here was a guy who, when given a task, goes and does it. This is what Putin valued, said Mark Galeotti, an expert on Russian history.

Sad Gerasimov and lack of success< /h2>

As noted in the publication, on October 19, 2023, Vladimir Putin met with Valery Gerasimov almost 100 kilometers from the eastern border of Ukraine. The best soldier of the Russian president was depressed, because he had nothing to brag about.

“Gerasimov launched an ill-conceived and ill-timed offensive throughout (East of Ukraine – Channel 24), starting in late January. The Russian army, which was still recovering, was unable to carry out offensive operations, given its shortage in the quality of forces, equipment and ammunition,” – write Mike Kofman and Rob Lee, two prominent military analysts.

For Gerasimov, 2023 was not an easy year. No significant successes, constant criticism from Yevgeny Prigozhin, and then his rebellion and some 200 kilometers separating the Wagnerites from Moscow. After this – the liquidation of the financier of the Wagner PMC at the end of the summer.

It is interesting that after the unsuccessful mutiny Gerasimov was not seen in public for several weeks. Then the Russian Ministry of Defense posted a video in which one could see Putin’s henchman communicating with the military.

And although Gerasimov could not boast significant successes, Putin smiled during the October meeting. Later, Gerasimov attracted eight Russian brigades to the offensive operation on Avdeevka. And here he failed to achieve significant changes at the front.

Hence, two logical questions arise. Why is Gerasimov failing in Ukraine, where he previously managed to achieve success. I also wonder why Putin still keeps him in office. British political scientist Mark Galeotti believes that the answer to these questions is simple. that they are often not very effective, because that is what Putin wants. “He wants a real, aggressive war,” the expert emphasized.

And this opinion has a right to exist. Especially considering that Russia has already lost about 340 thousand of its soldiers. And every day this figure is only growing.

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