Home » WHO head compares coronavirus pandemic to war

WHO head compares coronavirus pandemic to war

by alex

Tedros Adanom Gebreyesus

Leaders from around the world must join forces and accelerate production of coronavirus vaccines to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. This was stated by Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus in his column for The Guardian.

He also compared the coronavirus pandemic with a war: in his opinion, you need to mobilize forces to fight and think not only about yourself. According to the head of WHO, epidemiological measures have led to the fact that many communities were closed, and also caused a lot of harm to small and large businesses. Nevertheless, he urged people to remember the importance of fighting the spread of the virus.

“We are experiencing an exceptional moment in history and we must face this challenge. We need to be ready to share drugs [from coronavirus with other countries], transfer technology [production] and give up intellectual property rights, ”wrote Gebreyesus.

He added that the world community needs to establish the production of vaccines around the world, and urged manufacturers to share licenses and technologies so that drugs can be produced in several countries at once. In order to defeat the pandemic, he said, first of all, it is necessary to ensure sustainable vaccine supply chains for the long term.

At the end of February, Gebreyesus called the condition for the effectiveness of vaccination against coronavirus: according to him, for this, vaccinations should take place everywhere.

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