Home » WHO has announced the expected date for the start of the supply of vaccine against coronavirus

WHO has announced the expected date for the start of the supply of vaccine against coronavirus

by alex

Sumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), has named the expected date for the start of supply of the coronavirus vaccine. The organization hopes that limited supplies will begin in the first half of 2021. TASS reports.

“We are planning limited supplies in the first half of the year. We are now in the planning stage, ”Swaminathan said. According to her, now the main goal of the organization is to ensure access to the vaccine for people at risk, especially for health workers.

Swaminathan noted that at this stage WHO is optimistic and is working with all potential manufacturers. She pointed out that a whole portfolio of vaccines is needed to have a choice, as some vaccines, for example, may be more suitable for the elderly, while others require special transport and storage conditions.

Earlier, the head of WHO, Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus, said that a vaccine alone will not be able to stop the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic – this requires a whole range of measures. He said that it is necessary to continue monitoring, testing, isolating the infected and treating them, tracing contacts and quarantining, involving communities and individuals in the fight against the spread of the disease.

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