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Who called the example of the fight against coronavirus

by alex

Tedros Aden Gebreyesus

The head of the world health organization (who), Tedros Aden Gebreyesus advised countries to follow the example of New Zealand in combating coronavirus. It is quoted by “Interfax”.

“Some countries in the Mekong region, as well as New Zealand, Rwanda and many island States in the Caribbean sea and the Pacific ocean were able to suppress the virus at an early stage of spreading,” he said.

Of ghebreyesus also called New Zealand an example to the world, highlighting the efforts of the local government. He recalled that there are already more than 100 days do not see new cases of infection coronavirus infection. Head of who called on States to act to suppress the virus, and citizens to comply with protective measures.

At the end of July it became known that the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has received international praise for the strong and early response, which helped to block the spread of the virus.

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