Home » Which countries are waiting for Putin: the list of invitations for 2024 has been published

Which countries are waiting for Putin: the list of invitations for 2024 has been published

by alex

The Kremlin dictator has a wide geography of possible trips – from Equatorial Guinea to Mongolia and the DPRK.

Russian President Vladimir Putin can make in 2024, several foreign visits, having received invitations from a dozen countries, most of them former satellites of the Soviet Union.

Russian propagandists from TASS report this with reference to the Kremlin press service.

Among the major countries that have extended an invitation to the Russian authoritarian leader are Brazil, where the G20 summit will take place in 2024, and Turkey, whose President Recep Tayyip Erdogan positions himself as a negotiator open to both Moscow and Kiev.

The list of other countries includes Burundi, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Mongolia, Thailand and Equatorial Guinea. The Russian Federation continues to be “friends” with most of the listed states as the successor of the USSR.

Russian propagandists added that the President of the Russian Federation is traditionally expected in the states of the post-Soviet space, in particular, in Belarus, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as in the self-proclaimed states in the occupied Georgian territory – Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

As you know, in many countries of the world the president of the aggressor state faces arrest on a warrant from the International Criminal Court in the case of the abduction of Ukrainian children illegally deported to Russia.

Recall that Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva withdrew his personal assurances that Russian dictator President Vladimir Putin would not be arrested on an International Criminal Court warrant if he attended the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro.

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