Home » Where men are executed who cannot satisfy women

Where men are executed who cannot satisfy women

by alex

While some men dream of polygamy and the attention of the fair sex, for others this attention can turn into a tragedy.

So, in Central Africa, a man who is unable to satisfy all his mistresses will face severe punishment. More about this – in the material “Rambler”.

The Shilluk tribe has an unusual tradition of choosing a leader. One of the main bonuses of the leader is that he becomes a husband at the same time for dozens of the most beautiful girls of the tribe. But the leaders are not at all happy with this fact.

As soon as women begin to complain that the leader does not satisfy them in bed, the leader is executed as unable to endow the livestock and land of the Shilluk with his fertility. Interestingly, the number of wives does not matter – there can be either five or 50.

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