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What to look out for before signing a mobile phone contract

by alex

If you want to sign a new mobile phone contract, you should be well informed.

If the current mobile phone tariff is no longer appropriate and you exceed your data volume every month, it is time for a new contract. You are quickly spoiled for choice. Because in Austria there are well over 100 private customer tariffs with different call and SMS allotments as well as gigabytes of data volume. Often there is also a new top-of-the-line device from Apple, Samsung and Co. You can find out what to look out for before signing a new mobile phone contract.

Check consumption

In order to have any orientation as to what the new tariff must be capable of, it is worth taking a look at past user behavior. “It is important to look through previous bills, what you need in terms of data volume, call quotas or SMS,” says AK consumer advocate Daniela Zimmer about futurezone. You can use this data to optimize your new tariff.

Conversely, it is often advisable to choose a smaller package. Because if you have a contract with unlimited data volume, but hardly make use of it, you usually pay on top. The AK tariff calculator or the comparison portal durchblicker.at serve as a guide when choosing a suitable tariff.

Bond or not?

Austrian tariffs are generally cheap compared to other EU countries. However, many customers change their tariff, especially before public holidays such as Easter or Christmas, when providers offer special promotions. These can be particularly worthwhile for those who have their eyes on a new cell phone. But Zimmer remembers: “A subsidized cell phone can be cheap, but you are bound to the contract for 24 months.”

What to look out for before signing a mobile phone contract

According to her, combined contracts, i.e. services including end device, were often cheaper in the past. “The current trend is that with a SIM-only contract and a smartphone bought from an electronics retailer, you can often drive cheaper. If you are not satisfied with the tariff, you do not have a 24-month commitment period, ”she says. Price-sensitive consumers also have good deals on virtual operators who rent into the networks of the three major operators in Austria or are run by Drei, Magenta and A1 as low-cost rails.

Network coverage

Before signing a new mobile phone contract, the quality with regard to mobile data traffic should also be checked. According to Zimmer, it is helpful to look at network coverage maps such as those offered by the comparison portal Tarif.at. “They give a rough impression of the supply situation,” says the expert.

You should also find out from the providers whether they will take back SIM cards or contracts if the network coverage at the location does not work properly. “If you've just moved, it's also worth asking your neighbors to see whether the quality of the network coverage is working perfectly at the location,” recommends Zimmer.

Service fee in small print

You should be particularly careful with regard to hidden costs, such as the service fee. According to the consumer advocate, this does not have to be included by the providers, but is to be paid as a basis, similar to the basic fee. “The service fee is at best written down somewhere in small print. But it is important to know what a contract will cost me over the year, ”says Zimmer.

Especially with very cheap tariffs, the flat rate could be even higher and cost between 27 and 29 euros. “That really matters,” she says. An average of EUR 26.59 is incurred for a two-year contract. In any case, the service fee should be requested from the provider.

What to look out for before signing a mobile phone contract


Once you have decided on a tariff, you have to terminate the current contract. The notice period is one month. Cancellation must be made in writing and signed. Depending on the provider, it can be sent by email, but sometimes only by post. According to Zimmer, despite the digital age, mail is in many cases still safer if the cancellation is sent by registered mail. “Consumers are often unclear whether the cancellation was sent to the correct e-mail address and received. In general, it is advisable to have a notice of termination confirmed, ”says Zimmer.

It also makes sense to note in the document that the resignation should take place at the next possible contractually permissible date. You can also specify the reason for the termination. If he is a reaction to a price increase, for example, according to Zimmer, an extraordinary right of termination applies. “This is effective as soon as the letter arrives”. In this case, you should be sure that you do not want to use your phone number for a while or that you want to take the number with you beforehand.

Prepaid tariffs do not have to be canceled.

Keep phone number

If you want to transfer your phone number to another provider, you must also apply for a so-called NÜVi (number transfer information). Please note that this is valid for 14 days in the event of a cancellation. The new contract should therefore be concluded relatively quickly. If the contract remains in place, the NÜVi is valid for 90 days. In many cases, the new mobile operator will also take care of the number portability if you so wish. Some providers even take over the termination of the old contract.

If you want to stay with the same provider, you should contact them directly and find out about better tariff options. According to Zimmer, however, additional costs could arise if you change tariffs, especially if you switch to a cheaper one. That should be clarified. It is often worth asking whether registration costs can be waived, for example. According to Zimmer, there is little room for maneuver: “These mostly only relate to activation costs,” says the consumer advocate. On average, this fee in Austria costs 53.52 euros.

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