Home » What to do if you are forcibly detained in the TCC: lawyers' answer

What to do if you are forcibly detained in the TCC: lawyers' answer

by alex

Lawyers explained under what conditions conscripts can be detained for mobilization, as well as how to protect their rights in such a situation.

In Ukraine, in some cases, employees of the territorial recruitment center (TRC) and social support carry out the forced detention of men and deliver them to the military draft service.

Lawyers explained under what circumstances forced detention is possible and what actions a conscript should take in such a situation.

Experts emphasized that martial law and mobilization are in effect in Ukraine, which means mandatory mobilization for conscript men if there are no grounds for a deferment.

Detention by the district TCC and SP is carried out in cases of violation of military registration rules, such as draft evasion or lack of military registration documents. The legality of detention is recorded in Article 262 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, when the violation is confirmed and the detention is carried out by the police.

The employees of the TCC do not have the right to forcibly detain conscripts, since their functions are limited to registration and conscription for military service. If a conscript refuses to undergo the VLK or conscription, he can write a written refusal and demand dismissal.

In case of illegal detention, you should contact the police with a statement of deprivation of liberty. Conscripts must fulfill their duties or may be prosecuted for evasion.

Recall that in Ukraine, some conscripts have the right to a deferment from mobilization. For example, a man who has a father or mother with a disability of group III can receive a deferment under certain conditions.

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