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What Kamala Harris' Presidency Could Be Like in Relation to Ukraine: Expert Names Important Factor

by alex

What could be Kamala Harris' policy towards Ukraine and will she be afraid to "provoke" Russia.

If Kamala Harris wins the US presidential election in November, much of her foreign policy program, in particular on the issue of Ukraine, will depend on one important factor – what allies she brings to the US presidential administration.

This was stated by Doug Klein, a political analyst at the organization “Razom for Ukraine” (Washington), reports “Telegraph”.

“I think we will definitely see a Harris administration with a policy on Ukraine that will be at least as good as what we saw from the Biden administration… Whether we will be able to see more resolve, less fear of escalation or provoking Russia, will largely depend on what kind of people Harris fills the administration with if “victory,” Klein said.

At present, the expert recalled that Kamala Harris' national security adviser is Phil Gordon. This is an official with a clear pro-European course. He could take a high post in the administration if a Democrat is elected president.

“Phil Gordon could become the next Jake Sullivan (US National Security Advisor. – Ed.). Right now, he is a classic Europeanist in his approach. He is an American foreign policy expert who focuses on Europe and European security. And I think that in this we may see some differences from the Biden administration's policy,” says Doug Klein.

In his opinion, perhaps for Phil Gordon and other officials in the future Harris administration, it will be a real opportunity to act more, as some European allies do, who truly understand the threat from the Russian Federation.

Recall that, according to the results of the opinion poll, Harris is ahead of Trump in almost all key states.

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