Home » What is known about the delta strain of coronavirus vaccine?

What is known about the delta strain of coronavirus vaccine?

by alex

What is known about the delta strain of coronavirus vaccine? There are several vaccines against coronavirus of its own production in Russia today. And now it was announced that another one may appear – directly from the delta strain of the infection.

The vaccination campaign in Russia continues – everyone can get a coronavirus vaccine. At the same time, scientists do not stop in their development. So, the director of the Chumakov Center, Aydar Ishmukhametov, in an interview with Russia Today, talked about the work being done on a vaccine directly from the delta strain of coronavirus.

He noted that it should be understood that this is not a modification, but the creation of a new vaccine. The coronavirus is rapidly spreading across the planet, despite its youth, while it goes through mutations, said the director of the Chumakov Center.

Today, several names for new variants are known – alpha, delta and others. And all of them have to be studied by scientists. But since today the delta strain has literally replaced all other options, it is difficult to overestimate the need to study it.

The Chumakov Center followed the standard path – singled out the delta variant and decided to take it as a basis for a new vaccine, said the director of the scientific institution. “Then you need to go all the way that we went with the previous strain – with” alpha “. That is, to learn how to cultivate it, grow, “pass through” at least seven times in order to achieve a certain stability of the life of this strain, after which it can be the basis, “Aidar Ishmukhametov quotes RT as saying. At the same time, he noted that in one preparation there can be a combination of two strains. It is still impossible to say for sure, since the virus is still growing and changing and has not yet reached its final stable form.

According to the director of the Chumakov Center, a vaccine from the delta variant can be expected in a year, according to rough estimates.

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