Home » What does Putin’s ultimatum before the Peace Summit mean: the expert revealed the Kremlin’s hidden intentions

What does Putin’s ultimatum before the Peace Summit mean: the expert revealed the Kremlin’s hidden intentions

by alex

Putin tried to be proactive and cut off the paths for retreat.

With his ultimatum on the war in Ukraine, Putin “cut off” the paths for a retreat for yourself and your immediate environment. His statements about demands on Kyiv were primarily intended for “Chinese ears.”

This opinion was expressed by political scientist Vadim Denisenko in an interview with TSN.ua.

“Putin in this case did not appeal to the summit in Switzerland… He appealed primarily to the People's Republic of China, which, in fact, at that time had already stated that they planned to actively participate in the so-called peacekeeping process and they plan to start making certain moves to create a so-called peacekeeping coalition. Actually, Putin understands that the only country in the world that has the ability to put pressure on Russia quite effectively is China. Therefore, he tried to be proactive and cut off certain routes to retreat. “, noted the political scientist.

According to Vadim Denisenko, such a step will not help Putin, but it is necessary to understand that it was precisely this logic that guided the Kremlin dictator when he made his ultimatum statement.

Recall that, according to political scientist Vadim Denisenko, the DPRK can transfer 5 million artillery shells to the Russian army, but Pyongyang will not send its own troops to the war in Ukraine. Denisenko explained that the very essence of North Korea and the logic of the North Korean leadership’s actions do not imply the possibility of redeploying large (and not large) armed units from the territory of the Korean Peninsula anywhere at all.

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