Home » Well-known lawyer: a collaborator from Kherson could “organize” the theft of the voter register

Well-known lawyer: a collaborator from Kherson could “organize” the theft of the voter register

by alex

Kherson activist about the theft of the voter register/Collage of Channel 24

On June 20, it became known that three armed men, threatening workers, took 15 boxes of documents out of the state archive in Kherson. There were personal data of Ukrainians obtained during the organization of the elections in 2019.

The collaborator could tell the invaders where to get the list

Probably a local lawyer orchestrated the kidnapping. Kherson activist Vladimir Molchanov told Channel 24 about this.

He does not name a possible collaborator. According to him, the information is 99% confirmed, but 1% still remains.

Molchanov said that in recent years this woman worked for the current mayor, and before that, the former mayor Volodymyr Saldo, who is now the main collaborator in the Kherson region. Even earlier – to the “Party of Regions”.

The lawyer was a member, and often the chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of election commissions of various levels. As a rule, these were not precinct commissions, but district or territorial ones. In her circles, she was a professional in organizing elections – both “white” and not.

Molchanov suggests that it was she who most likely suggested to the invaders that the data of the inhabitants of the Kherson region can be obtained from the archive. The fact is that after each election, printed lists of voters are packed in each polling station, and after that they are stored in the archive for 5 years. There is a surname, name, patronymic, voting address and personal signature of each voter who came to the polling station and received a ballot.

The documents received bring Russians closer to the goal, but not absolutely

The activist explained that, most likely, the documentation was previously taken away, and not just “they came with machine guns and took something out.” It is not so easy to do this, because first the lists of voters are packed in separate packages, then in large ones, and then in bags. And even then they are left somewhere in the archive.

According to Molchanov, it takes several people and several days of work just to select these voter lists. So, probably, it was a thorough work and only now it became known about it.

Thus, the occupiers could take possession of the data of more than 200 thousand people of Kherson residents and 850 thousand residents of the region. This is a large amount of information that will need to be processed manually.

I think that before September 11, how they planned this (holding a “referendum” – channel 24) they definitely not enough time. But this is one third of what they needed to organize it, – Molchanov believes.

This brought the invaders closer to the goal, but does not ensure its achievement. Other components necessary for holding a referendum are premises and people, that is, members of the commissions. Even if they are not looked for among specialists, most of whom refuse to cooperate with the occupiers, there will still be problems with this.

“Of course, if they do not simply try to draw the desired result using the voter lists. With them, they already no need to sell your SIM cards or collect passport data through humanitarian aid,” the activist added.

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