Home ยป Weapons run out at Kiev defense points due to the number of volunteers

Weapons run out at Kiev defense points due to the number of volunteers

by alex

On February 25, in Kiev, at the point of territorial defense, weapons ran out due to a significant flow of people wishing to join the defense of the country.

ICTV Facts learned about this from its own sources.

Now representatives of the territorial defense points have gone for additional weapons.

Recall that on February 24, after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov asked everyone who is ready and able to hold weapons to join the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in their regions.

In order to get weapons, you need to apply with a passport directly to the brigades and battalions of the Territorial Defense Forces in the region.

On February 24, People's Deputy Vasily Virastyuk already received weapons.

– Got a weapon. Ready to defend, defend the Motherland, hometown, Ukraine. We will break through, because we are on our own land, the truth is behind us, on our side. Let's be strong, – Vasily Virastyuk signed the photo with the received weapon.

For more information about the war in Ukraine – read online news in the ICTV Facts article.

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