Home » We were at a hockey game: in the Lviv region, children were poisoned by an unknown substance

We were at a hockey game: in the Lviv region, children were poisoned by an unknown substance

by alex

In the city of Novoyavorivsk (Lviv region), ten children complained of poor health. According to the preliminary diagnosis, we are talking about poisoning with an unknown substance.

The incident was reported to the Department of Civil Protection of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

The event took place on Saturday, December 11, after a hockey match that took place at the Ice Arena in Novoyavorovsk.

In total, ten children complained of poor health to doctors. Four of them are hospitalized and are in satisfactory condition.

– In total, the admission department of the Novoyavorovskiy regional hospital named after Y. Lipa, Yavorivsky district, ten children complained of poor health, four of whom were hospitalized in satisfactory condition with a preliminary diagnosis of poisoning with an unknown substance, & # 8212; noted in the department.

Information about child poisoning arrived at about 21:00 Saturday. It turned out that in the afternoon the children attended the Youth Hockey League match between the local team Galitsky Lions and Sokol from Kiev.

The reasons for the poisoning of children and all the circumstances are now being investigated. The relevant services were notified of the incident.

In early September, more than 90 children of one of the secondary schools in Khmelnytsky were poisoned. 16 of them were hospitalized. Subsequently, it turned out that the mass poisoning of children was provoked by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (it was found in the staff of the catering department). The police opened criminal proceedings on the fact of non-compliance with sanitary standards at school.

Recently in Ternopil, a 13-year-old girl poisoned herself with canned mushrooms. The child was treated in the intensive care unit of a local hospital and the intoxication was removed.

And in Odessa, a schoolgirl was poisoned with a sweet drink mixed with an antiseptic. Now her health is no longer threatened.

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