Home » “We want to make the architecture open”: Rogozin revealed the details of the domestic space station

“We want to make the architecture open”: Rogozin revealed the details of the domestic space station

by alex

“We want to make the architecture open”: Rogozin revealed the details of the domestic space station According to the head of Roscosmos, this station will be able to stay in orbit forever.

Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities, on the air of Komsomolskaya Pravda Radio (radiokp.ru) told the details of the development of the Russian national space station and how it will differ from the ISS.

“The very architecture of the new station will be open. What's the problem with the ISS, for example? It is built on a gigantic structure, of course, it is very expensive to make it clear – it is about the size of a football field.

But it is impossible to pull out one module and replace it with another. It's built like that. We want to make the architecture open, when one module that has exhausted its resource can be replaced with another. In fact, this is a station that can be in orbit forever, ”explained Rogozin.

According to him, the orbit offered by the developers is very interesting.

“This is 97-98 degrees orbit, that is, if you explain it like that, now the ISS flies almost parallel to the equator. And so it will fly with us, on the contrary, if you look at the globe, vertically.

That is, it will visit the North Pole every hour and a half, and then descend, cutting circles around the entire Earth. That is, this is the only orbit that allows every two days to pass every point on our planet, ”said the guest of the ether.

He noted that the station will be a platform that will carry a colossal load of instruments and devices.

“At the same time, the vehicles themselves will not need solar batteries, they will not need engines to adjust their orbits. Therefore, the station itself will perform this task, ”the head of the corporation explained.

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