Home » We should not scare people with conscription, this is not a punishment, – Ministry of Internal Affairs

We should not scare people with conscription, this is not a punishment, – Ministry of Internal Affairs

by alex

We should not scare people with conscription – Ministry of Internal Affairs/Office of the President

< strong _ngcontent-sc127="">Mobilization continues in Ukraine and most of the men are already registered with the military or serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, military mats continue to look for those who have not yet registered, handing subpoenas in public places.


That is why public opinion is divided: are such actions legal? Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yevgeny Enin commented on the situation of mobilization in Ukraine on the air of a nationwide information marathon.

As Enin said, we cannot and should not frighten people with conscription, since service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an honorable duty, not a punishment .

I think that most of these things are in the moral part. I want to note that for law enforcement officers this is a distraction of a significant resource, which is already limited in the conditions of large-scale aggression,” he summed up.

The agenda does not mean mobilization

Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov explained earlier that when they give an agenda, it is not about mobilization. After all, some moved and did not register, although they were obliged to do so by law.

Therefore, handing summons to men of military age means that they must come to the local authority of the recruitment center and show the document. So they check whether a person is registered or in reserve.

Handing is putting things in order. Some representatives of the picking center behave according to the old format. I categorically reject the idea that a summons was served for a violation or an accident. There should be no such discrediting,” Reznikov stressed.

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