Home » “We must return all occupied lands and pay compensation”: what Navalny said about Ukraine and the war

“We must return all occupied lands and pay compensation”: what Navalny said about Ukraine and the war

by alex

TSN.ua collected statements by opposition leader Alexei Navalny about Ukraine, in particular about Crimea, and about the war.

Russian oppositionist and political prisoner Alexei Navalny, who died in a Russian colony on February 16, stated that Russia should recognize the borders of Ukraine defined in 1991.

TSN.ua collected statements by opposition leader Alexei Navalny about Ukraine, in particular about Crimea, and about the war.

Navalny called the war against Ukraine unfair, expected the inevitable defeat of Russia, proposed recognizing the territory of Ukraine within the 1991 borders and paying compensation for aggression. The oppositionist expressed this opinion in “15 points of a Russian citizen who wishes good for his country.”

It is noteworthy that Navalny has already renounced Russia’s claims to Crimea, although earlier doubted the need to return it to Ukraine. Previously, Navalny became famous for the expression that “Crimea is not a sausage sandwich to be returned back and forth.”

“What are the borders of Ukraine? The same as those of Russia – internationally recognized, defined in 1991. We, Russia, also recognized them then. Russia should recognize these borders now. There is nothing to discuss here. Almost all borders in in the world are random and cause someone's dissatisfaction. But it is impossible to fight to change them in the 21st century. Otherwise, the world will plunge into chaos,” the Russian oppositionist noted.

At one point, Navalny calls to “leave Ukraine alone,” to give us the opportunity to develop as our people want, to stop aggression, end the war and withdraw all Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine.

Reparations to Ukraine

The political prisoner also advocated for the payment of reparations to Kyiv and the investigation of war crimes committed by Russians in Ukraine.

“Together with Ukraine, the United States, the European Union and Britain, look for acceptable ways to compensate for the damage caused to Ukraine. For example (after the change of power in Russia and the end of the war), by lifting restrictions on our oil and gas, but with part of the income from the export of hydrocarbons being used for compensation. Investigate war crimes in cooperation with international institutions,” wrote Navalny.

“Russia will lose the war”

“President Putin unleashed an unjust aggressive war against Ukraine for senseless reasons. He is desperately trying to give this war the status of a “people's war”, trying to make all Russian citizens his accomplices, but his attempts are failing.” , wrote the oppositionist.

In his opinion, the Russian regime in war can only rely on prisoners and forcibly mobilized, there are no volunteers. He holds the Putin regime responsible for tens of thousands of killed Ukrainians, the suffering of millions, war crimes, and the destruction of cities and infrastructure.

“The real reasons for the war are political and economic problems within Russia, Putin's desire to retain power at any cost, and his obsession with his historical heritage. He wants to go down in history as the “conqueror tsar” and “gatherer of lands,” Navalny believed.

In his opinion, Russia is already losing the war, and the calls of the Russian authorities for negotiations and a ceasefire are false.

“It was the realization of this that changed the rhetoric of the authorities from “Kyiv in three days” to hysterical threats to use nuclear weapons in case of loss. The final military defeat can be delayed at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands more mobilized, but in general it is inevitable,” the oppositionist noted. < /p>

Dismantling the Putin regime

“Dismantling the Putin regime and his dictatorship. Ideally, through general free elections and the convening of the Constitutional Assembly,” the oppositionist proposed. He advocated the establishment of a parliamentary republic in Russia.

At the same time, Navalny, unlike most Ukrainians, did not agree with the thesis that all Russians have an imperial consciousness and calls such an opinion nonsense.

Navalny’s previous statements about Crimea

Let us note that for the first time Alexey Navalny clearly expressed his position regarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine. In the fall of 2014, he made a scandalous statement, saying that Crimea is “de facto Russian.”

Then Navalny said that “Crimea is a sandwich with sausage, or something, in order to return it back and forth?”

In 2015, Navalny stated that the “issue of Crimea” could not be resolved quickly, because 3 million people with Russian passports allegedly live there.

“We will kill with prisons and paddy wagons”

According to Alexei Navalny, what Russia can now be proud of are those who are in prison because they said nothing to the war. A Russian opposition leader in 2022, after the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, called on Russian residents to protest against the war in Ukraine.

“Let's at least not become a nation of frightened silent people. Cowards who pretend not to notice the aggressive war unleashed by our clearly crazy king against Ukraine. I cannot, I do not want and I do not remain silent, looking at the pseudo-historical nonsense about the events of 100 years prescription became the reason for Russians to kill Ukrainians, and those, in defense, killed Russians.

Putin is not Russia. And if there is something in Russia now that we can be most proud of, it is the 6,835 people who were detained because – without any call – they took to the streets with “no war” signs.

They say that anyone who does not go and risks being arrested cannot be called to a rally. I'm already in prison, so I think it's possible.

You can’t wait a day. Wherever you are. In Russia, Belarus or on the other side of the planet. Go to the main square of your city every weekday at 19:00 and 14:00 on weekends and holidays.

If you can do the walk, do it on the weekend. Yes, there may be few people on the first day. And in the second – even less.

But we must, gritting our teeth and eliminating fear, go out and demand an end to the war.

Each person arrested must be replaced by two.

If – to end the war – we must kill prisons and paddy wagons, we will kill the prisons and paddy wagons with ourselves.

Everything has a price, and now in the spring of 2022 we must pay that price. There is no one else. Let's not be against war. Let’s fight against the war,” wrote Navalny.

We recall that earlier the head of the independent international intelligence community Bellingcat, Hristo Grozev, said that oppositionist Navalny could become the new head of Russia .

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