Home » We lived together for 30 years: in the Odessa region, a woman with many children cut her husband's head with an ax

We lived together for 30 years: in the Odessa region, a woman with many children cut her husband's head with an ax

by alex

In the Odessa region, a mother of many children was arrested, who brutally punished her husband, with whom she had lived together for more than 30 years. So the woman decided to avenge years of domestic violence in the family.

The incident took place in the village of Koshary. The lifeless body of 54-year-old Sergei with a broken head was found in one of the summer cottages.

Neighbors said that together with his wife he raised a son and two daughters. However, the police did not expect the woman to confess to the murder of her children's father.

Ax and two bottles of vodka

Lyubov Klusson, 56, calmly and clearly told all the details of that day, what exactly made her take such an action.

On that day, Sergei once again demanded money from the woman in order to buy vodka for himself. She explained that now she had a vacation, and there was no extra money left. Threatening with a beating, the man forced Lyubov to go to the store.

Well, he started threatening again. I say: no money, are you crazy? And he told me: Are you going to buy me vodka?! Let me break your head! the woman recalls.

The last time a married couple (Sergei and Lyubov have been officially separated for more than a year, but continued to live together on different floors of the house – Ed. ) was seen in the store. A woman paid for two bottles of vodka, beer and cigarettes.

Further, as Lyubov told the investigators, she waited until Sergei fell asleep after drinking. At this time, she grabbed an ax and, without waiting for reprisal against herself, cold-bloodedly killed a sleepy man.

When night fell, the woman wrapped the corpse in a blanket and wheeled it to a nearby property on a cart.

“I couldn’t already … Prove me! … I don’t know – I have never offended anyone in my life,” Lyubov adds.

The past of a tyrant and a pre-trial detention center for a woman

The woman recalls that her ex-husband, although he was a good woodcarver, had been abusing alcohol for decades.

Not only she suffered from the beatings of a tyrant man, but also their three children. The son, according to her, ran away from home seven times, and one of the daughters, after the terrible beatings of her own father, cannot have children.

– And he broke his head with a tuner, and anything … And he broke my jaw … My sinus was broken. The legs are all blue, there were hematomas. He promised not to drink. I swore… But it was in vain there,” Lyubov said with tears in her eyes.

Sergey constantly beat and mocked his wife, but even after the divorce he remained to live in a common house.

Neighbors almost unanimously support 56-year-old Lyubov and assure that she did not plan a premeditated murder, but simply lost control due to nerves.

Meanwhile, the court has already chosen a measure of restraint for the woman: she will spend the next two months in a pre-trial detention center. Love admits that she does not regret her act and now she can be calm for the future of her three children.

Criminal proceedings against a woman are open under Part 1 of Article 115 (Deliberate murder). She could spend at least the next seven years in prison.

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