Home ยป “We have always demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria,” the President of Moldova on the PACE resolution

“We have always demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria,” the President of Moldova on the PACE resolution

by alex

PACE recognized Pridnestrovie as occupied by Russia, and also expelled the Russian Federation from of its structure because of the war against Ukraine.

Moldova has always demanded that Russia withdraw its troops from Transnistria, as well as dispose of ammunition.

This was said by Moldovan President Maia Sandu , commenting on the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the recognition of Russia as the occupier of the left bank of the Dniester in Moldova, writes newsmaker.md.

“Moldova has made it clear that Russia plays a significant role in everything related to the Transnistrian conflict. We have always we spoke and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria, we demanded and continue to demand the disposal of ammunition. We continue to call for a peaceful solution to this conflict. We will do our best to find and implement a diplomatic, political, peaceful solution,” Sandu said at a joint press conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who arrived in Chisinau on a visit.

Iohannis said that the resolution of the conflict with Pridnestrovie should not harm Moldova's European integration.

“The PACE resolution is a political statement. But the Transnistrian problem is the problem of Moldova. It must be resolved here, in recognized international formats, with respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and without prejudice to the pro-European course of Moldova,” the President of Romania said.

Recall that PACE also excluded Russia from its structure due to the fact that that she went to war against Ukraine.The resolution also calls for providing Ukraine with the means to protect the airspace.

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