Home » “We don’t want to hide deserters who fled the country”: in Switzerland they started talking about the return of Ukrainians

“We don’t want to hide deserters who fled the country”: in Switzerland they started talking about the return of Ukrainians

by alex

There are 11 thousand Ukrainians subject to military service in Switzerland.

In Switzerland, representatives of at least two parliamentary political parties publicly declared the need for the return of male refugees liable for military service to Ukraine.

This is stated in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung with reference to a statement by Christian Wasserfallen, adviser to the Free Democratic Party (FDP).

“Calls to return home are becoming louder,” writes the publication.

Against the background of Ukraine’s suspension until May 18 of the provision of consular services for men liable for military service and the impossibility of receiving them without updating the data in the TCC, Swiss politicians began to talk about refugees potentially subject to military service in Ukraine.

According to the Swiss Federal Department of Justice (FDJP), we are talking about about 11 thousand Ukrainian men living in the country.

According to parliamentarians, men subject to military service in Ukraine have no valid claims to protection status S, since it is aimed primarily at women, children and the elderly in need of protection.

“We do not want to hide de facto deserters who have fled the country, whose defense war now needs their presence,” Wasserfallen said.

He said that Switzerland should help Ukraine solve the personnel problem.

“Relieve the burden on the heavily burdened Swiss migration structures… The fact that Switzerland has been accepting deserters for the last two years and supporting them with tax money has reduced the protection status to absurdity,” added the Free Democratic Party adviser ( FDP) Christian Wasserfallen

Another politician, the head of the shelter of the Swiss People's Party, Pascal Schmid, emphasized that in this way the Swiss demonstrate a lack of solidarity with Ukraine.

“If the existence of Switzerland were threatened, we would not be happy if other countries hosted hundreds of thousands of our soldiers,” said Schmid.

He stated that he plans to investigate the matter.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ukrainian Society in Switzerland, Andrei Luzhnitsky, called such statements cynical and a “moral and political declaration of bankruptcy.”

“This is a cynical attempt to solve the Ukrainian problem. And this is from the politicians of a country that did not even allow third countries to transfer Swiss weapons to help Ukraine. If those liable for military service are really sent back, then I hope that they will be given weapons,” – Luzhnitsky said.

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