Home » We do it because there is war, Macron says Ukraine's path to the EU will be long

We do it because there is war, Macron says Ukraine's path to the EU will be long

by alex

Macron on his visit to Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

Granting Ukraine candidate status to the European Union is the result of Russia's invasion, and the path to membership will be a long one.

< h2 class="news-subtitle cke-markup">Why Ukraine can be granted candidate status for EU membership

This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron in an interview with a TV channel on a train that left Ukraine after his visit to Kyiv. He noted that in normal times, Ukraine would not be able to acquire the status of an EU candidate.

We are doing this because there is a war going on. This is a sign of hope, it is a message for Ukraine that they are in a European family. And also a message to Russia,” said the President of France.

Macron added that most countries in Western Europe support this plan, but “there are countries that are more restrained.” The issue of Ukraine's candidacy for the EU will be decided at the European Council summit next Thursday and Friday, June 23-24. But, according to him, the path to joining the European Union will be long.

On relations with Zelensky

Emmanuel Macron spoke about relations with the Ukrainian president, which are sometimes called tense. “Our relationship has always been good, contrary to disputes,” he said. But he remembered his expression about the inadmissibility of “humiliation of Russia”, which “was painfully perceived by the executive branch and the Ukrainians. “The role of France was to be a mediator and establish restrictions,” he explained.

Moldova can get the status of a candidate

Macron also noted that Moldova could become an EU candidate, the French president visited the eastern European country on Wednesday as part of a two-day trip to Moldova and Romania before an unannounced trip to Ukraine.

It should be noted that on June 17, the European Commission recommended granting the status of an EU candidate to Ukraine and Moldova, while Georgia was refused.

Visit of Scholz, Macron and Draghi to Kyiv

June 16 Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Mario Draghi and Klaus Iohannis arrived in Ukraine.As part of their visit, they visited Irpin, which was under the occupation of the Russians and almost completely destroyed.After that, the politicians met with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.All politicians expressed support for Ukraine and promised to help in the war against Russia.

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