Home » “We are not in time”: Will a total lockdown save Russia?

“We are not in time”: Will a total lockdown save Russia?

by alex

More and more Russian regions are introducing restrictions due to the increase in the incidence of coronavirus, and in Buryatia they announced a lockdown from June 27. However, experts are confident that only a lockdown is now unlikely to be able to stop the mutated COVID-19, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that almost 90% of the residents of the capital infected with coronavirus had an Indian strain that spreads much more aggressively and faster. The mayor noted that in order to resist the new strain, the level of antibodies in a person should be twice as high as was required to combat the “Wuhan” variant. According to infectious disease specialists, the disease develops with lightning speed when infected with the Indian strain: the patient is hospitalized with slight lung damage, but after a day he is admitted to intensive care.

Alexander Soloviev, chairman of the committee of the Federation of Laboratory Medicine, neurologist, is sure that to stop the spread of the new delta strain, it is not enough just to introduce a lockdown.

“There are only two ways to achieve the required level of protection – after having been ill or receiving a vaccine. With the second, we are not in time in the race with the virus, and all the current activity to strengthen the vaccination campaign will give results in 1.5-2 months. So, a difficult autumn-winter season awaits us, ”he said.

According to the expert, in order to stop the mutated coronavirus, it will take 80% of people immune to it. At the same time, Solovyov doubted that in Russia it is possible to organize the same dense coverage of contacts of patients as China has achieved.

“Only a comprehensive program of anti-clotting measures, taking into account the changed properties of the new coronavirus, a large proportion of the susceptible population and the model of behavior of people in different situations, will make it possible to control the spread of infection in conditions of insufficient vaccination coverage. All this requires significant efforts, financial costs and coordinated actions, ”he said.

The chairman of the committee of the Federation of Laboratory Medicine also predicted the emergence of strains with new properties of the coronavirus “in conditions of active spread among partially susceptible people.”

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