Home » We are a unique army, no one in the world has ever had such a thing, – Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on help from partners

We are a unique army, no one in the world has ever had such a thing, – Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on help from partners

by alex

Ukraine is heroically defending itself from Russian invaders who have come to our land. The West and other allies help and provide the necessary weapons. Our military has mastered modern weapons. Experts say that no army in the world has received so much military assistance.

ThisChannel 24said a colonel in the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a military expert, a pilot -instructor Roman Svitan. He noted that if we proceed from the fact that before the West did not plan to transfer anything at all, except for partisan weapons, we can say that we are making great progress in the supply of weapons.

According to him, yet, probably, no other army in the world “from scratch” transferred such a quantity of weaponsin such directions. “Neither old weapons, nor new ones, nor such a quantity as Ukraine is now being provided with,” the expert said.

In this sense, we are a unique army and we have unique relationships with partners. And if we proceed from our “wishlist”, then they are not fulfilled even by 30%, – Svitan believes.

In his opinion, the weapons that we need could be tripled – both in quantity and in terms of nomenclature, in particular, this also applies to long-range missiles and aviation.

The military expert is convinced that at least a few squadrons of aircraft we could easily take into service. “As well as long-range missiles – we could easily operate ATACMS, we have bases and launchers. But we are not given these weapons yet,” replied Swithan.

He notes that Ukrainians have a whole range of feelings – from “thank you very much” to “give us what we ask.”

Watch the full interview with Roman Svitan: video 24 channels

By the way, the head of intelligence, Kirill Budanov, stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine need more weapons from partners to win. Actually, according to him, it is clear that Ukrainians should not worry about stopping the supply of weapons.

Fruitful cooperation is ongoing with our Western partners, we talk a lot about specific nomenclatures and types of weapons that we need. All this is in the process of being decided,” Budanov said.

In addition, he stressed that the Western world should increase the supply of weapons that will help hasten the defeat of Russia. Ukraine is most looking forward to this.

The US plans to transfer HIMARS, NASAMS and Patriot to the APU

    < li role="presentation">Recently it became known that Washington has provided Ukraine with a massive military aid package. In particular, it contains the famous HIMARS, which have already shown themselves effectively on the battlefield, and the coveted Patriot air defense systems, as well as powerful NASAMS air defense systems.
  • all these weapons are high-tech and will be useful for the Ukrainian army in creating a “dome” over the Ukrainian sky, which will exclude the possibility of enemy missiles, drones and other air targets arriving.
  • It is worth mentioning that the United States hesitated for a very long time about whether Ukraine of the Patriot system, but it seems that the Russian occupiers have left no choice to the Biden administration.

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