Home » Ways to recognize an unsafe site named

Ways to recognize an unsafe site named

by alex

Radio Sputnik spoke with cybersecurity expert Kirill Kerzenbaum about fake sites. During the conversation, the specialist told how one can suspect such resources.

According to Kerzenbaum, first of all, you need to look at the address of the online resource. So, the link should include www, after which there should be a period and the name of the brand or company. At the end of a link to a secure site, there may be .ru, .рф or .com.

If in the link we see several domain zones at the end, then this should inspire concern. There may still be two subdomain zones, and if there are three, then such constructions are most often used by intruders and cybercriminals to hide the true address of the site, ” Kerzenbaum warned.

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