Home » Warmth for Uman: another Ukrainian city received modular boiler houses from philanthropists

Warmth for Uman: another Ukrainian city received modular boiler houses from philanthropists

by alex

The Ukrainian Red Cross, in coordination with government authorities, has identified the communities that are most in need of support during the winter. Funds for the implementation of the project were allocated by the Coca-Cola company, its cost is more than $3.5 million.

— Last winter, the Ukrainian Red Cross provided critical infrastructure, hospitals, shelters and communities with the necessary equipment to ensure people had warmth and light. We began preparing for the winter period of 2024 back in the spring, because we understand how important it is to help people during war.

Thanks to the support of our long-term partner, the Coca-Cola Company System in Ukraine, we are delivering heat generation equipment to dozens of communities for schools, kindergartens, hospitals and multi-storey residential buildings,” said Maxim Dotsenko, General Director of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society.

Note that since the beginning of the war, the Coca-Cola Company, its bottling partners and the Coca-Cola Foundation have provided humanitarian aid for Ukraine in the amount of $30 million.

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Now there will be even more mobile boiler rooms

Communication with representatives of local communities and personal visits to the installation sites of boiler houses prompted Coca-Cola management to reconsider their decision. Having analyzed the depth and relevance of the problem, it was decided to order eight more boiler houses, and now their number has increased to 45. Andrey Bublik, director of corporate relations and sustainable development of Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine, noted:

“We remember last winter and the difficulties that Ukrainians faced during the cessation of heat supply in a number of Ukrainian cities. Coca-Cola purchased 37 boiler houses from a Ukrainian manufacturer that will heat hospitals, schools, and residential buildings.

We placed an order for their production in advance and are very pleased that we managed to deliver boiler houses to communities by the beginning of the heating season. We are now expecting the completion of another order for eight mobile boiler houses, which will strengthen the resilience of territorial communities this winter.

Modular boiler houses for the city of Uman

The end of November showed us very clearly that it is not only enemy shelling that poses a threat to our energy system. Bad weather also poses serious threats. Its consequences are unpredictable, and the presence of a backup mobile heating source is extremely important in such cases. Independence from possible energy crises and mobility are a convincing advantage of the ordered boiler houses.

—These boiler houses will provide heat to the homes of our residents in case of emergency shutdowns,” comments the secretary of the Uman City Council Ekaterina Tereshchenko. — Last year there were a lot of emergency shutdowns, I remember very well that we started last year with a blackout, which almost no one in our city expected. No one even knew what a blackout was and how a city should live under these conditions. Therefore, this year we were better prepared thanks to our partners – the Ukrainian Red Cross and the Coca-Cola Company.

Тепло для Умани: еще один город Украины получил модульные котельные от благотворителей

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What are the advantages of mobile boiler rooms

As part of the project Mobile boiler houses 13 boiler houses with a capacity of 200 kW, 20 boiler houses with a capacity of 500 kW and 12 boiler houses with a capacity of 1000 kW will be manufactured and delivered to communities . This means that more than 50 thousand Ukrainians will receive heat from mobile boiler houses that Coca-Cola delivered to communities.

Boiler houses operate on natural gas, the production of which in Ukraine is sufficient for domestic needs, and can also switch to diesel fuel in case of interruptions in gas supplies.

Most boiler houses will be installed permanently to replace damaged and worn-out ones, and in several cities where heat generation is operating at the limit of capacity, these boiler houses are used as spare ones during emergencies.

The recipients of boiler houses are mainly utility companies that supply heat in their localities – that is, local territorial communities have become the owners of boiler houses.

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