Home » War between NATO and Russia: ISW analysts analyzed Putin’s threats

War between NATO and Russia: ISW analysts analyzed Putin’s threats

by alex

The loud statements are part of long-standing Russian narratives about a possible attack on NATO.

Russian President's Statements Vladimir Putin that Russia does not seek to invade the territory of NATO countries are very similar to the Kremlin’s persistent statements at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, as well as those made on the eve of February 24 – that that Russia has no plans to attack Ukraine.

This is stated in the report of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Putin objected to the warning of US President Joe Biden, who predicted a Russian attack on a NATO country in the future in the event of a victory over Ukraine. The head of the Kremlin argued that Russia has no geopolitical, military, economic or territorial reasons to fight the Alliance, and that Russia is interested in developing relations with NATO member countries.

One of the Russian propagandists said on December 2 that the Baltic countries will become Russia's next military target. He threatened that they would fall soon after Ukraine.

ISW recalled that these threats are actually part of long-standing Russian narratives regarding a possible attack by Russian troops on the military bloc. Such statements appeared even before Finland submitted the corresponding application to join the Alliance and was admitted to it on April 4.

Analysts are confident that Putin intends to force NATO to recognize Russia’s claims, demands and sphere of influence. He repeatedly pointed out the Russian Federation’s intentions to put an end to “US hegemony.”

It was previously reported that Russia is preparing for the upcoming large-scale war against NATO. The long-term efforts of the Russian Army to restructure and expand are focused on preparing for this.

Secretary of State of the Office of the President of Poland and head of the National Security Bureau Jacek Severa said that countries on the eastern flank of NATO must prepare for Russian aggression within three years.

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