FFP2 Masks Hygiene Austria
After the mask scandal of “Hygiene Austria”, the Association for Consumer Information (VKI) is now examining a lawsuit.
A few days ago, house searches at Hygiene Austria made headlines. It is a subsidiary of Palmers and Lenzing that was founded in spring 2020. The suspicion: The company is said to have simply relabelled Chinese masks. The allegation of illegal work is also raised.
The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) is now examining a lawsuit. It depends on the country in which the main production step took place, said VKI legal advisor Thomas Hirmke in the “Ö1-Morgenjournal”.
Hygiene Austria had advertised the masks as “Made in Austria”, but some of them were imported from China. “Austria is not included everywhere where it says Austria. In most areas there are no clear indications of origin,” said Hirmke. But the fact that Chinese masks were issued as Austrian masks was not permitted. Consumers were deceived.
The legal advisor said that a lawsuit would be directed to the failure of such advertising in the future. Claims for damages in connection with such lawsuits are controversial.