Home » VisCom Rambler & Co project received the Runet-2021 rating award

VisCom Rambler & Co project received the Runet-2021 rating award

by alex

Silver was taken by the project “Digital Revival”

On October 14, 2021, the Runet-2021 Rating award announced the winners. VisCom Rambler & Co (visual communications of a media holding) won silver in the Culture, Art, Society nomination with the Digital Revival project – a guide to digital design trends for 2021, created based on the results of VisCom's own research.

According to the project, now is the time of the New Renaissance for visual communications. Like Renaissance artists, modern designers again draw inspiration from natural beauty, create intricate shapes and emphasize the dominant role of humans – the user can now be a part of digital projects using AR technologies and interactions.

Vladislav Tyutyunikov, director of visual communications at VisCom Rambler & Co: “I am glad that the jury positively assessed our innovative project. And this is all the more gratifying since the award was given to an absolutely non-commercial story that reveals the secrets of the future design not only for the professional public, but also for a wide range of art lovers. I would also like to add that we will continue to develop “Digital Revival”, presenting to specialists and ordinary viewers even more useful and interesting information in the field of design and technology ”.

Runet Rating is an annual all-Russian competition for websites and mobile applications. Evaluation of works takes place in two large stages: first, a popular vote, then the formed long-lists are reviewed by members of the jury – leading professionals of web and mobile development, as well as business representatives.

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