Home ยป Virastyuk stuck in a sexist scandal over culinary metaphors for the bikini zone

Virastyuk stuck in a sexist scandal over culinary metaphors for the bikini zone

by alex

Ukrainian strongman and MP from the Servant of the People party Vasyl Virastyuk got into a scandal on social networks. He was accused of sexism and objectification because of his comment on a photo with a girl.

On the social network Facebook, Virastyuk commented on a post with a snapshot on the page of the trainer Andrey Strigun . The latter published a photo of a girl who pulls her legs up to her head, which makes the bikini area visible. Virastyuk wrote the following to the message: Dumpling with feta cheese.

 Virastyuk stuck into a sexist scandal over the culinary metaphors of the bikini zone

He was answered by the President of the Strongman Federation of Ukraine Sergey Konyushok , adding that & # 8220; with herring & # 8221; . Virastyuk continued the discussion and, in response to Konyushko's comment, noted: Varenik, even with feta cheese, but it tastes like herring.

The President of the Federation again found words for this, he wrote – & # 8220; then this is a mince & # 8221 ;.

 Virastyuk got involved in a sexist scandal over the culinary metaphors of the bikini zone

After the screenshot with comments on the post began to be circulated on social networks, it drew criticism from some users. And Strigun deleted the scandalous post.

Virastyuk himself reacted to the stormy criticism by publishing a new post on Facebook. In it, he asked users to tell him if he breathes correctly, with whom to be friends and what posts to write.

 Virastjuk stuck into a sexist scandal over the culinary metaphors of the bikini zone

Vasily Virastyuk took the oath of the people's deputy on June 15 during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada. The documents confirming the registration of Virastyuk as a deputy of the CEC were sent on June 9. At the same time, he was issued a temporary certificate.

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