Home » Vandals who poured cement on the Eternal Flame in Belgrade were detained

Vandals who poured cement on the Eternal Flame in Belgrade were detained

by alex

Ceremony of lighting the Eternal Flame at the Liberators Cemetery

In Serbia, they found and detained vandals who desecrated the eternal flame at the memorial to the liberators of Belgrade. This was reported on the website of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The vandals turned out to be two young men – 22 and 17 years old. It is noted that they poured cement on the monument, and also put a trash can on it with the inscription “Liberators? No never”.

The 22-year-old young man will soon appear before the prosecutor's office, and a case has been opened against the minor about the destruction and damage of other people's belongings, as well as about inciting hatred. “There are suspicions that earlier they damaged the monuments in the Kalemegdan fortress park, having stained them with drawings and offensive inscriptions,” the ministry added.

“I am amazed at the fact that the criminals are so young. We must all ask ourselves what we must do so that the fascist evil does not poison any more young souls, ”said Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandr Vulin in this regard.

The memorial was desecrated on the night of December 30. The Russian diplomatic mission then stated that “there is a cynical attempt to put Serbia on a par with some European countries, where the war with monuments to anti-fascists and the rewriting of history have become systemic.”

The solemn ceremony of lighting the Eternal Flame in the Memorial Park of the Liberators of Belgrade took place on December 15. For this, a particle of the Eternal Flame from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was specially delivered from Moscow.

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