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Vaccinations through the game: in three areas, the Vaccination Operation “”

by alex

< IMG Title = "vaccinations through the game: in three areas, “ Vaccination Operation ”" "Width =" 632 "Height =" 356 " SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/10/moz-vakczynacziya-oporacziya-632x356.jpg" Main-image-thumbnail WP-Post-Image "Alt =" Operations & quot; vaccine & quot; " srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/10/moz-vakczynacziya-oporacziya-632x356.jpg 632W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/03/10/moz-vakczynacziya-oporacziya-300x169.jpg 300W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/10/moz-vakczynacziya-oporacziya-768x432.jpg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/10/moz-vakczynacziya-oporacziya 200x113.jpg 200w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2025/03/03/03/10/moz-vakczynacziya-oporacziya.jpg 1280W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX " decoding = "async" /> < p > in three regions of Ukraine it successfully ended “ Vaccination Operation ”, which has become part of the Ukrainian Health Communication campaign with the support of the World Health Organization UKRANINE. < p >In addition, the country's medical institutions received 100 thousand doses of a combined vaccine that protects children from five diseases at once.

< h2 > immunoprophylaxis as a game

< p > in two weeks the interactive information exhibition and the quest game gathered more than 5 thousand participants. of them 1,931 a child in the Lviv region passed a thematic quest-to-group, and 469 people made up missed vaccinations that were held by mobile medical commands. in the Kirovograd region more than 1,500 participants tried themselves as researchers of viruses, and 48 people received vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus and other diseases. < p > Odessa Regional Center also noted activity: more than a thousand adults and children took part in the quest-quiz about the importance of immunoprophylaxis. and 27 adults even got vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus.

< p > from March 17 to 30 the vaccination campaign will last in six more areas: Vinnitsa, Volyn, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and Rivne.

< p > Parents with children will be able to learn more about infectious diseases and get medical advice.

< h2 > protection of children from five diseases

< p > to that, the country's medical facilities received 100 thousand doses of a combined vaccine that protects from five diseases at once.

< p > today the drugs are already distributed between regions, taking into account the needs for vaccinations.

< p > penta-geib is designed to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and hemophilic infection.

< p > free vaccinations can be made in state medical institutions or in private clinics that have concluded an agreement with the National Health Service.

< p >

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