Home » US to impose sanctions on organizations in Russia and China over assistance to Iran

US to impose sanctions on organizations in Russia and China over assistance to Iran

by alex

The United States will impose sanctions on four entities from Russia and China for “helping Iran develop its missile program.” This was stated by the US special envoy for Iran and Venezuela Elliott Abrams, reports TASS.

The corresponding measures will be taken on Wednesday, November 25th.

“I will announce to you what we will announce later in Washington: today we are imposing sanctions against four legal entities for their activities contributing to Iran's missile program, for transferring technologies to Iran aimed at developing its missile program,” Abrams said and specified that measures will be taken against four legal entities in Russia and China, but their names were not disclosed.

The US special envoy added that the administration of the current US President Donald Trump will continue to pressure Tehran and impose sanctions as long as possible. “We have only one president at the same time. And our policy will now be exactly the same until January 20 – this is a policy of maximum pressure, ”he stressed.

According to him, the sanctions will be related to weapons, weapons of mass destruction and human rights. Abrams also added that the Biden administration will not be able to immediately radically change its policy towards Iran, although earlier in the election program, the Democrat announced the possibility of the US returning to the nuclear deal.

On November 10, it was reported that Trump may want to conduct an operation against Iran after the dismissal of Pentagon chief Mark Esper. The Daily Mail wrote about such suspicions with reference to officials at the Ministry of Defense. Later, information appeared that the American leader wanted to strike at an object in the Iranian city of Netenz, but the White House did not comment on this.

In 2018, the United States reinstated sanctions against Iran in full, and also withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA), which limits Iran's nuclear development. Washington called it a response to the “export of violence, terror and disorder.”

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