Home » US satellites detect ballistic missile production in Saudi Arabia

US satellites detect ballistic missile production in Saudi Arabia

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US Intelligence: Saudi Arabia Creates Ballistic Missile Manufacturing With China's Help

Image: Middlebury Institute of International Studies

US intelligence and satellite imagery shows Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with the help of China. Reported by CNN.

The American satellite Planet discovered that between October 26 and November 2, 2021, test rocket launches were taking place at a facility near the city of Dawadmi. According to experts, this is the first unequivocal evidence that the enterprise has created the production of ballistic missiles. This fact could seriously complicate the activities of the US administration to contain the nuclear ambitions of Iran, the main regional rival of Saudi Arabia.

It is known that Saudi Arabia in the past purchased ballistic missiles from China, as it did not have its own technologies and production facilities.

The United States believes that Tehran will not agree to stop producing ballistic missiles if Saudi Arabia starts producing its own. “While much attention was focused on Iran's missile program, everyone turned a blind eye to the development of the Saudis' missile technology,” said Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies.

The Chinese Foreign Minister told CNN that the PRC and Saudi Arabia are “comprehensive strategic partners” and maintain friendly cooperation in all areas, including military trade. “Such cooperation does not violate any norms of international law and is not associated with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,” the diplomat said.

On December 10, it became known that the United States was preparing sanctions aimed at limiting Iran's sources of income in case of failure of negotiations on Tehran's nuclear program. The decision came amid attempts to renew the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) deal.

Earlier, the head of the Pentagon Lloyd Austin promised Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz at a meeting in Washington that the United States will make every effort to prevent the emergence of nuclear weapons in Iran. The parties also discussed common problems related to “Iran's nuclear provocations”, its nuclear program and “support for terrorism.”

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