Home ยป US reproached for posturing and abuse of UN veto

US reproached for posturing and abuse of UN veto

by alex

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif rebuked the United States for posturing and abusing the UN veto. The politician posted a corresponding statement on his Twitter.

The Iranian diplomat stressed that the situation on the world stage has changed dramatically since 1945, therefore it is necessary to rewrite the UN Charter and deprive the five permanent members of the Security Council of their veto power. Zarif noted that this privilege is especially often abused by the United States.

The Iranian minister also ruled out any negotiations to replace the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), with a new agreement. “Let's stop posturing – our countries have already suffered from this in 2003-2012, but to no avail – and we will simply carry out the JCPOA, to which both countries have actually signed,” Zarif said.

In May 2018, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA and imposed sanctions against Tehran. Iran responded by phasing out its obligations under the agreement. In early December, newly-elected US President Joe Biden announced plans to bring Washington back into the deal. He also said that he plans to negotiate and conclude subsequent agreements with Iran, which would “tighten and extend restrictions on Iran's nuclear program, and would also affect its missile program.”

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