Home » US officials criticized Trump's decision to pardon his former adviser

US officials criticized Trump's decision to pardon his former adviser

by alex

The chairman of the special intelligence committee of the US House of Representatives, Adam Schiff, criticized President Donald Trump's decision to pardon his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was prosecuted as part of the so-called Russian investigation. Schiff wrote about this on his Twitter account.

“Donald Trump has repeatedly abused his pardon to reward friends and protect those who covered him. This time he pardoned Michael Flynn, who lied to hide his ties to the Russians, ”he said.

In turn, the chairman of the legal committee of the House of Representatives Gerald Nadler said that Flynn's pardon was “undeserved and unprincipled,” writes TASS. “President Trump beckoned [his former adviser] with this pardon to induce Flynn to back down on his promise to cooperate with federal investigators – [talking about] cooperation that could expose the president’s own misconduct,” Nadler explained.

Earlier, Trump said he had pardoned his former adviser. “I am honored to announce the pardon of General Michael T. Flynn,” he said.

In May 2020, the US Department of Justice decided to close the criminal case against Flynn about his possible secret ties with Russia. However, in September, the US Court of Appeals overturned this decision. The American leader noted that officials from the administration of the previous President Barack Obama who persecuted Flynn were “very dishonest people.” He stated that he considered the case to be high treason.

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