Home » US named a way for Russia to avoid new sanctions

US named a way for Russia to avoid new sanctions

by alex

The US State Department has named a way for Russia to avoid a second round of sanctions due to the situation with Alexei Navalny (founder of the Anti-Corruption Fund, included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent) . This was reported by RBC with reference to a representative of the American department.

According to him, Moscow will be able to avoid new sanctions if it declares and destroys its “undeclared program of chemical weapons under international supervision.” It is noted that Russia must commit itself to no longer using this type of weapon of mass destruction.

On March 2, the United States released a list of Russians who have come under sanctions over the situation with Navalny. Among them are FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Alexander Kalashnikov, Deputy Defense Ministers Pavel Popov and Alexei Krivoruchko, Head of the Kremlin's Internal Policy Department Andrei Yarin and others. In addition to them, the 27th Scientific Center of the Ministry of Defense, the 33rd Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense and the Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (GosNIIOKhT) fell under the sanctions.

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