Home » US Experts Says New Omicron COVID Strain May Be Less Dangerous Than Delta

US Experts Says New Omicron COVID Strain May Be Less Dangerous Than Delta

by alex

In South Africa, where Omicron becomes the dominant strain of coronavirus, no significant increase in hospital admissions is observed.

The new Omicron COVID-19 strain is spreading rapidly across the American states, but preliminary data indicate that it may be less dangerous. than “Delta.”It is noted that according to information from South Africa, where “Omicron” is gradually becoming the dominant strain, there is no significant increase in hospitalizations in the region.

“It does not appear that this is a high degree of severity yet,” Fauci said. “However, we really have to be careful until we investigate whether (this strain – Ed.) Is less serious than Delta and does not really cause serious illness.”

According to the expert, the administration of US President Joe Biden is considering lifting restrictions on entry for foreigners from several African countries. “I hope we can lift this ban within a reasonable time,” Fauci said.

Note that as of Sunday, Omicron was recorded in about a third of US states, but Delta remains the dominant COVID variant -19, covering over 99% of new cases and causing a spike in hospital admissions in the north of the country.

Meanwhile, World Health Organization epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove says Omicron will be problematic even if it turns out to be less dangerous than Delta.

“Even if we have a large number of mild cases, some of these people will need hospitalization, – explained the representative of the WHO. – They will need to go to intensive care, and some people will die. We do not want this to happen against the background of the already difficult situation with the global spread of Delta.

November 26 World Health Organization has qualified a new strain of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, dubbed Omicron, as a cause of concern and was first detected on November 9 in southern Africa.

As you know, Omicron has already been found in Europe . The Ministry of Health of Ukraine predicts that this strain of coronavirus will reach our country in a few weeks.

Due to these m of Ukrainians in the states on whose territory Omicron was found, upon their return, they were obliged to self-isolate .

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