Home » US Department of Health edited reports on COVID-19 because of Trump

US Department of Health edited reports on COVID-19 because of Trump

by alex

The US Department of Health and Human Services has edited reports on the situation with the coronavirus so that they do not contradict the words of the American leader Donald Trump. This was announced by a CNN source, TASS reports.

We are talking about weekly reports of the US federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which included a summary of the spread of COVID-19, forecasts and expert estimates. At the same time, the channel emphasizes that they were not published in their original form, but were sent to the Ministry of Health, where they were edited.

However, the TV company does not specify exactly what amendments were made. It also does not say when it was practiced. At the same time, she notes that the actions of the Ministry of Health fit into the policy of the White House, which allegedly “tried to diminish the danger of coronavirus.”

According to CNN sources, members of the American administration believed that the CDC experts may deliberately act not in the interests of the US leader, in connection with which it was necessary to edit their reports.

On September 1, Trump shared his success in the fight against coronavirus. So, according to him, the incidence of COVID-19 in August decreased by 38 percent compared to July. In addition, the American leader spoke about the beginning of the third phase of trials of a vaccine against infection of the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.

Trump has often been criticized for his approach to the fight against coronavirus. In particular, he was accused of insufficient support from the US population, the late closure of the country's borders, as a result of which the infection rapidly spread throughout the United States and led to many victims.

The United States remains in first place in terms of the number of reported cases of coronavirus infection. For the entire time of the pandemic, more than 6.47 million cases were detected in the country. More than 193 thousand patients have died, 2.4 million have recovered. In total, as of September 12, more than 28.5 million people have been infected in the world.

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