Home » US Congress votes for $ 1.9 trillion aid package

US Congress votes for $ 1.9 trillion aid package

by alex

Biden wants to put the law into effect on Friday with his signature

The US Congress has passed President Joe Biden's billion dollar Corona aid package. The House of Representatives, which is controlled by Biden's Democrats, passed the measures worth $ 1.9 trillion (1.6 trillion euros) on Wednesday with a majority of 220-211 votes. The president wants to put the law called “American rescue plan” into effect on Friday with his signature.

The US Senate, in which the Democrats only have a wafer-thin majority, voted for the aid package on Saturday after a marathon session. In the final vote in the House of Representatives, the Democrats voted almost unanimously for the package of measures – there was only one deviator. In the republicans of ex-President Donald Trump not a single member of parliament voted for the new corona aid.

With the huge rescue package, Biden wants to intensify the fight against the pandemic and its economic effects. Among other things, checks for $ 1,400 for millions of citizens are planned, which will result in a total of more than $ 400 billion. Additional unemployment benefits of $ 300 per week that expire on Sunday are to be extended through September. In addition, tax rebates for families with children and low wage earners are being expanded.

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