The Drive: U.S. Air Force permanently deployed F-35A Lightning II fighters in England
Photo: Axel Schmidt / Reuters
For the first time, the US Air Force (Air Force) permanently deployed its fifth generation F-35A Lightning II fighters in Europe, writes The Drive.
The first four aircraft arrived at Lakenheath AFB (England) of the Royal Air Force. In total, the facility is expected to permanently deploy 24 F-35A Lightning II units from the 495th tactical fighter squadron of the US Air Force Command in Europe and Africa. In the future, 24 of the same aircraft will be received by the 493rd squadron located in the same place. An additional six F-35A Lightning II fighters will be in reserve.
The Drive notes that the arrival in Lakenheath of two F-35A Lightning II squadrons “will provide combat commanders with a flexible and highly productive forward-based force” that must be prepared to respond to unforeseen circumstances in the region and signal US resolve to respond to “a resurgent Russian military. which increasingly test NATO members and their allies around their western borders. ”
In September, in a presentation by the American corporation Lockheed Martin, presented at the 27th international exhibition MSPO 2021, it was said that 13 permanent air bases with 450 F-35 Lightning II aircraft are planned in Europe in the current decade. According to the map shown on the corresponding slide, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Belgium and Poland will each have two air bases with such fighters, while Denmark will have one. Four of the 13 facilities have already been commissioned. The dates for the commencement of full-fledged operation of the other eight air bases have been set. The final decision on the 13th object (near the Polish city of Svidvin) has not yet been made.
These plans do not include the purchase of aircraft by Switzerland and Finland.