Home » Urgant appreciated Martirosyan's harsh statement about comedians in Russia

Urgant appreciated Martirosyan's harsh statement about comedians in Russia

by alex

Urgant about Martirosyan's words about comedians – “creatures”: Garik has the right to his point of view

Photo: Ramil Sitdikov / RIA Novosti

TV presenter Ivan Urgant appreciated the statement of comedian Garik Martirosyan, who stated that he was not ready to answer for Russian colleagues and expressed confidence that there were creatures and scoundrels among them. In an interview with KP.RU, Urgant said that he did not agree with Martirosyan's harsh opinion, but recognized his right to his point of view.

“This is the point of view of Garik Martirosyan. For example, I do not agree with her, ”said Urgant. The showman also called the humorist a very intelligent person who “has every right to have his own point of view on any occasion.” Commenting on the criticism of Martirosyan by social media users because of his words about comedians, Urgant noted that the Russians, in his opinion, did not have the patience and opportunity to adopt a different view of the situation.

The host of the show “Evening Urgant” also appreciated the verdict of the comedian Idrak Mirzalizada, who was accused of inciting hatred and sentenced to ten days of administrative arrest for a joke about Russian people, after which his stay in Russia was declared undesirable. He considered the punishment of the stand-up performer not in accordance with the misdemeanor.

“I do not know Idrak [Mirzalizade] very well, but I am absolutely convinced that he is not an enemy of our country. His act does not require detention for ten days and expulsion from the country, ”said Urgant. The showman called punishments for jokes a pernicious thing.

Garik Martirosyan spoke about the comedians in an interview with journalist Irina Shikhman, published at the end of September. Commenting on the incident with Mirzalizadeh, he said that jokes that offend other people should be punished. The comedian added that he did not intend to maintain solidarity with all colleagues. “I wanted to spit on all these comedians! I have no solidarity. Among them are schizophrenics, maniacs, drug addicts, critters, scoundrels, disgusting types. What solidarity? Among them are good people, exemplary fathers, nice guys, I love them very much. I will never be responsible for comedians in my life, ”Martirosyan said. At the end of the interview, the comedian said that he supported all colleagues. After the video was released, social media users criticized the comedian.

Comedian Idrak Mirzalizade was sentenced to 10 days of arrest. In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs recognized the presence of a comedian with Belarusian citizenship as undesirable for life on the territory of Russia. The reason was a joke about Russians, sounded in a humorist's monologue about the difficulties faced by people of non-Slavic appearance in Russia. Mirzalizade did not admit his guilt, stating that the statement was anti-xenophobic, and the speech itself was extremely humorous. Later, the comedian asked the Moscow City Court to cancel the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on a lifetime ban on stay in Russia.

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