Home » Until death parted: the marriage of a Danish woman and an Englishman lasted 15 minutes

Until death parted: the marriage of a Danish woman and an Englishman lasted 15 minutes

by alex

In 2018, a happy London couple – 40-year-old Danish Lou Thulin Simonsen and her beloved Englishman Schaff Prabatani – celebrated 10 years of marriage. The man and woman were absolutely happy, despite the absence of an official marriage. They lived amicably and cheerfully, brought up two daughters and did not suspect that trouble was already on the doorstep.

Lou began to complain of headaches, but the doctors at the hospital did not notice anything threatening. The next alarming symptoms were a sharp drop in vision and constant nausea, but for some reason the doctors delayed serious research. When, finally, the woman underwent computed tomography, the doctors threw up their hands: the brain tumor was aggressive and grew too fast, there was no chance of survival. There was only an opportunity to delay the tragic moment for a year or two.

The woman underwent 30 courses of radiation therapy to slow down the development of the tumor, and the sad outcome was somewhat delayed.

Lou dreamed of a real wedding, when she would be able to defeat cancer, and her beloved promised her this, although before that he opposed an official marriage:

“I knew that for Lou it’s not just a stamp in my passport, so I wanted to make the moment perfect and kept putting it off. I waited for more time, then for more money.

When it became clear that there was neither time nor sense to wait any longer, Schaff made an offer.

In August 2019, the couple decided to go to the woman's native Denmark – to say goodbye to their relatives. The journey from London to Copenhagen had been difficult for the terminally ill Lou, and she felt worse.

The woman's family made a difficult decision: the wedding will be here and now, even in a hospital bed.

Fortunately, it took only a week to collect all the documents and prepare for an unusual wedding celebration.

On August 12, 2019, Lou Thulin Simonsen's cherished dream came true: she became the wife of Prabatani. 15 minutes after the wedding ceremony, the woman died …

Prabatani raises her daughters alone and does not forget about her Lou for a minute. In memory of his wife, who was very fond of reading, he opened a tiny street library – a small bookcase with books – and called it “Lou's Little Library.”

In an interview with reporters, Schaff said: “She wanted everyone to read more. Our daughters love to read too, and our house is full of books! A small library is the perfect way to honor Lou. Now she will live forever for everyone. ”

Until death parted: the marriage of a Danish woman and an Englishman lasted 15 minutes

Until death parted: the marriage of a Danish woman and an Englishman lasted 15 minutes

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    Until death parted: the marriage of a Danish woman and an Englishman lasted 15 minutes


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