Home ยป Unfounded promises: invaders gathered farmers in Zaporozhye to tell about the theft of crops

Unfounded promises: invaders gathered farmers in Zaporozhye to tell about the theft of crops

by alex

The invaders promise farmers a better life/Promoute Ukraine

The Russian invaders in the South of Ukraine found themselves in a rather interesting situation, because the Kremlin decided to actually steal the entire Ukrainian crop in the temporarily occupied territories. At the same time, the occupiers cannot fulfill the task of their Fuhrer without cooperation with the farmers.

According to Channel 24 intelligence sources, the actions of the occupiers in relation to the farmers in the Kherson region are very contradictory. Because the Russians immediately began stealing equipment and destroying elevators from the very moment they seized the region. A few days later, the invaders demanded that the villagers start sowing.

Realizing that the Kremlin really plans to stay in the South and plunder both the old crop and the new one, the Russians began to persuade the farmers to cooperate, put pressure on them and promise mountains of gold. Of course, none of the farmers received any serious income, because the invaders took the harvest in fact by force. They paid only a penny for it, which would allow it not to burn out completely.

In the fall they promise cheap fuel, seeds and fertilizers

  • Total robberies, fuel shortages, unwillingness to cooperate with the occupiers, as well as the delay in the beginning of the sowing season in the spring of 2022, led to the fact that only a little more than a third of the fields were cultivated in Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. So the harvest this year will not be so much.
  • All grain harvested back in 2021, the invaders continue to actively export through the Crimea to Russia and by sea for sale under the guise of “Russian products”. At the same time, the Kremlin makes super profits, because it buys crops for next to nothing, and sells them at considerable market prices.
  • Of course, none of the farmers really like this situation, except for those who were waiting for the arrival of Russia and agreed to cooperate with the occupiers. Such people received foreign land and equipment for use.
  • The Russians appointed some collaborators to responsible “positions” in enterprises related to the agricultural industry.

Because of all these nuances, which is quite understandable, almost all farmers are extremely outraged by the occupation of part of the southern regions. Because their business is on the verge of bankruptcy, and the Russians do not allow not only to earn money, but also to pay salaries to employees in general, pay taxes and work further.

Since pessimistic moods reign among farmers, and the invaders really plan to keep region and plunder it in the future, the Russian military and special services held a meeting of farmers in the Zaporozhye region.

Representatives of Putin's horde told the villagers that they “have to wait for a good life,” and the development allegedly will begin during the sowing season in the fall. The orcs promised everyone deliveries of diesel fuel and fertilizers at a very low price.

Everyone hopes for de-occupation

Agrarians reacted completely to the promises of the Russian invaders differently. Some believed in the arguments of the invaders, because there is logic in their words about their interest in further theft of the crop. However, no one doubts that Russia will not buy grains for their real value.

In general, farmers are very hopeful that they will be able to keep their business and survive the occupation. After all, most of them will not be able to stay afloat in the event of protracted control of Russia on Ukrainian soil. There are very few farmers who believed that they would be able to earn money under the Russian heel. Because no one believes the invaders. Especially after the numerous tortures, murders and looting that Putin's Hordes brought with them.

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