Home » Unemployment: increase in Vienna by around 23 percent

Unemployment: increase in Vienna by around 23 percent

by alex

The hotel and catering industries are particularly affected.

In Vienna, too, significantly more people were unemployed at the end of December than a year ago: The number of people registered as unemployed at the Vienna Public Employment Service rose by 24.3 percent to 156,496 compared to December 2019, and those in training courses by 14, 6 percent to 29,802. According to the AMS, the sum of both groups has increased by 22.6 percent.

The development has also deteriorated compared to the previous month. Compared to November, the number of people looking for a job has increased by 8.9 percent. At least in relation to the high at the end of April 2020, a decrease of 14.2 percent was registered.

The number of over-50s who are unemployed or in training has grown relatively strongly year-on-year. The corresponding value rose by 23.5 percent. Among the under-25s, the increase was 15.5 percent. Looking at major sectors, unemployment in November rose by 60.4 percent in the hotel and catering industry, by 9.9 percent in construction, by 27.7 percent in retail and by 21.6 percent in goods production.

Since the beginning of the third short-time work phase at the beginning of October, AMS Vienna has, according to its own information, processed short-time work projects from 8,925 Viennese companies for 66,609 people. The big focus in the new year is on qualification and further training, it said. The range of courses and projects has been increased.

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