Home ยป Under what condition can Ukraine help Moldova with Pridnestrovie: Zelensky's response

Under what condition can Ukraine help Moldova with Pridnestrovie: Zelensky's response

by alex

Russia will try to change power in Moldova.

Vladimir Zelensky said that Ukraine is ready to help Moldova with Transnistria if this unrecognized entity threatens the territorial integrity of our state.

Die Welt writes about this.

Zelensky said that Ukraine had warned the President of Moldova about that the Russian Federation is preparing provocations in this country. The Kremlin has long dreamed of a change of power in Moldova, but since Russia does not have a common border with this state, the aggressor could only transfer the invaders through the airport in Chisinau.

“Therefore, they must use this airport and all resources Transnistria. Maya Sandu never asked for my help, but thanked for the information. She knows our situation very well. Ukraine will always be ready to help Moldova,” President Zelensky said.

Recall, the new Prime Minister of Moldova, Dorin Recean said that Pridnestrovie should be demilitarized and the Russian occupation contingent should be expelled from there.

The Russian Federation threatened the Moldovan authorities after the statement of the new Prime Minister Dorin Recean. Moscow said that Moldova should be careful about the presence of Russian troops in Transnistria.

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