Home » UN Security Council to consider resolution on Russian aggression against Ukraine

UN Security Council to consider resolution on Russian aggression against Ukraine

by alex

The document condemns the Kremlin's invasion of our territories and calls for an end to the offensive.

Already today at 22 pm Kyiv time, the UN Security Council will meet to consider a resolution that condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and requires Moscow to immediately stop the offensive.

Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Serhiy Kyslytsya on his Twitter says: “The attack by Russia and Ukraine is an attack on the UN Charter and every member state. On Friday, the UN Security Council will vote on a resolution that should hold Russia accountable. We ask every member of the UN to support these actions when Russian bombs and tanks attack Ukraine.”

Thus, the document confirms the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and also demands the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian troops from our territories. In addition, the resolution calls for prompt and unimpeded humanitarian assistance to needy Ukrainians and the protection of the civilian population.

The United States and Albania were the initiators and authors of the document. Supported by Norway and Latvia – the collection of signatures continues. At the same time, Voice of America, citing its own sources in the US government, writes: Russia can block the adoption of the resolution by using its veto right.

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