Home » Ukrainians began to spend more with bank cards: what they buy most often

Ukrainians began to spend more with bank cards: what they buy most often

by alex

Ukrainians began to buy more goods by paying with a card/Collage of Channel 24

In May, compared to April, Ukrainians bought more goods and services by paying for them with bank cards.

More than 50 % of payments by card – payment for groceries

The vast majority of card expenses of Ukrainians go to pay for food – more than 50% of the total volume of payments for purchases with cards, which is 12.6% more than last month.

Card payments increased by 20%

< p> According to the statistics of PrivatBank's POS network:

  • the number of purchase payments in May increased by 21% – from 146 million transactions in April to 177 million in May.
  • accordingly, the cost of purchasing goods and services with bank cards also increased by 21% – UAH 42.3 billion in May against UAH 34.9 billion in April 2022.

The vast majority of card expenses of Ukrainians go to pay for food – in May compared to April, it increased by 12.6% (up to 21.3 billion hryvnia) and accounts for more than 50% of the total payment for purchases with cards,” the report says. press services.

Ukrainians' spending on cafes and restaurants increased by 1.5 times

At the same time, the volume of payments in cafes and restaurants increased significantly – by 54% (up to UAH 2.3 billion). As well as hardware and electronics stores (by 41% to UAH 2.9 billion) and gas station chains (by 27% to UAH 1.23 billion).

This means that the consumer market is resuming after a sharp drop in the first weeks of the war. In particular, the press service of PrivatBank explained that this is due to a number of factors – this is an increase in the supply of retail chains and small businesses, and an active growth in the number of outlets accepting cards for payment.

Non-cash payment prevails

Therefore, non-cash payment in the consumer market is dominant over cash.

Entrepreneurs and small businesses are restoring the fastest pace – compared to April by 20%, in national retail chains the volumes payments by cards increased by 16.5%.

Will food prices increase

By the way, according to the State Statistics Service, consumer prices for goods and services increased last month in the country, more : rice, buckwheat and cabbage.

At the same time, eggs fell by 21.8% and cost an average of 19.4 hryvnia per dozen.

In an interview with Channel 24, NBU Deputy Ekaterina Rozhkova explained that the main reason for the acceleration of inflation is not the growth of the cash dollar. That is, prices are strongly pressed by the consequences of the war – this is a violation of logistics, uneven demand, the destruction of enterprises, high business costs. And vice versa, because we have limited exports, we have cheaper goods such as chicken, butter, eggs.

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