Home » Ukrainian flags and slogans: how Georgia resists an attempt to make a second Russia out of the country

Ukrainian flags and slogans: how Georgia resists an attempt to make a second Russia out of the country

by alex

In Georgia, people came out to protest against the government, which is a Russian puppet.

Despite more than 130 detainees in two days of protest, the Georgians in Tbilisi forced the ruling party to withdraw the law on foreign agents that outraged society , but the protesters do not put an end to this, calls are already being made to gather in the evening at 19:00 local time to celebrate the victory and remind the authorities that deviating from the European vector is unacceptable.

This is stated in the plot of TSN.

Demonstrators in Tbilisi under Ukrainian and European flags for several days demanded that the authorities repeal the law on foreign agents. The protesters shouted slogans “No to Russian law!”.

“The women's march, traditional for March 8, has turned into a close-knit column of anti-Russian protest. After a tough nightly dispersal of demonstrators the day before in Tbilisi, as in Kiev 2013, many more people take to the streets. People are protesting against the government, which is a Russian puppet. They want unity and unity . so that everyone wakes up from the lethargic sleep into which this government has driven them, ”the message says.

The law on foreign agents, which was copied by the Georgian authorities from the law in force in Russia, was directed against the opposition press, so journalists also joined the protests under the slogan “We are Europe.” People of all ages and professions are united by a categorical refusal to become like the Russians. Those who gathered outside the parliament declared that they were ready to do anything not to turn their country into a second Russia.

The protesters understand that their country has only two choices – either become democratic or disappear.

“The Ukrainian anthem and the flag have become for Georgians the same symbol as the European one. Russia is being sent in the direction indicated by the Ukrainian border guards a year ago. Kiev hears this and reacts. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed solidarity with the Georgian people the day before. I remembered the Georgians . in the evening address and President Zelensky, expressing sincere respect for Georgia,” the story says.

It is not yet known under what name this bill will go down in history, but the first symbol of it was a woman who stood under the icy stream of a water cannon.

“Others follow the example of a woman with a European flag. Young people dance, following attempts to use acoustic weapons against them. Hearts and flags — Ukrainian and Georgian — are glued to the shields of the security forces. But the closer to nighttime, the more aggressive the police become,” the report says.

The protesters demanded that the authorities release all the detainees and withdraw the law. The country's leadership agreed to release the detainees, but did not withdraw the scandalous law on foreign agents. Consequently, the protests in Georgia are becoming more violent. The protesters started building the first barricades from the benches on Rustaveli Avenue, which were later demolished by the security forces . The first cocktails with a flammable mixture flew into the security forces. The protesters also overturned and knocked over a police car.

“Here, just like in the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, there are no clear leaders. Politicians with students were going to confer at 11 am local time on how to protest further. Today they were waiting for large reinforcements from the regions. Suddenly, the ruling Georgian Dream party, which has long been nicknamed the “Russian dream”, declares that for the time being it is withdrawing the bill and is going to explain its expediency to different sections of society,” the message says.

It should be reminded that earlier it was reported that in Georgia, despite the statement of the leading party “Georgian Dream” about the withdrawal of the scandalous bill on “foreign agents” from the parliament, civil activists intend to gather again for a protest action in the center of Tbilisi .

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